Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Dis-Connect, The Game

Zigwee and Bamboobill, fixer and crat (level 54), were rocking a team mission in Rihnoman valley when it happened.  They were enjoying the benefit of Zigwee’s latest HOT Kitchen Sink Surgery and also having Bamboobill’s level 66 Director Grade Assistant Droid along to deal handily with typical mission Bosses.

Bamboobill - Froob Crat
Froob Crat

They are the latest sponsorships of Babaoroody.  He had been in suspended animation for so long, He and his many alts had forgotten so much.  When first coming out of suspended animation he had tried reviving his paid Crat, but soon realized he had no clue on how to play it any more or any of his alts.  He decided the best way to get going again on Rubi-Ka would be to start new toons from scratch at Arete Landing, so Froob Fixer Zigwee and Crat Bamboobill started life.

The Fixer/Crat combo so far seems to be a really good one.  Between the Fixer's HOTs and the Crats droid and charmed "pets", it works really well and is far less complicated than some of Baba's previous combinations like Engy/MP.

Depending on the MP's heal pet is way more problematic than staying alive with Fixer HOTs.  Heal pets often catch aggro and die, or like all pets have pathing issues, and may not be able to get to the party that needs healing fast enough.  Crat also seems better than Engineer since Crats have a pet and at least one charmed pet.

Froob Fixer

They have been pulling missions mainly for the XP and tokens so they have been rolling them in Meetmedere and accepting only ones located in Newland Desert.  That way they can fly to the mission without having to zone or make a lot of grid and/or whompa hops.

Missions are a mostly low stress avenue for them to learn how everything works on Rubi-Ka.  They are still debating if they will go to Temple of the Three Winds when they reach 60, theres really not much there they want other than Exarch robes and perhaps a few notum rings.

Newland Desert is one of Baba's favorite zones, it was really the first zone he had explored when he started out. It is full of interesting places like Meetmedere, Rhinoman Valley, one of the oasis where techno-scavengers could be farmed, and Newland Desert outpost when it was the location of the portal to the Temple of the Three Winds.  

After getting buffed up in Meetmedere by Babaempee, the pair headed off to their first mission of the evening in the far west of Newland Desert.  The mission turned out to be the cramped cave style, with tiny rooms and corridors, which resulted in pulling unwanted adds several times.  Things went well anyway as between the HOT and the droid and charmed pets damage, the adds were dispatched with Zig and Bamboobill's health never going below 90%.

After completing the mission in the extreme far eastern part of Newland Desert and starting on the flight back to Meetmedere, they spotted a small outpost with a couple of mission terminals, so they saved some time and stopped there to roll the next mission.  They picked one in Rhinoman valley and were soon there bashing away and made it to the last floor before the Boss floor. They came to a long stretch of cave where they could see an open door with the Boss room elevator symbol in sight.  There was a mech dog about half way down the corridor, which Bamboobill thought he would pull. He hit Tab and sent the droid to engage the mech dog.  There turned out to be a second higher level mech dog in the room with the Boss elevator and inexplicably his tab had selected that mob over the one closer in the corridor.  As mech dogs are social, this brought both down on the party, but still it should not have been a problem, they have survived worse.  It was at this point that the Internet service did the conk.

When they logged back in curiously, the mobs were dead, Zigwee was still alive, but Bamboobill was back at reclaim in Meetmedere. After rebuffing Bamboobill, they went back to the mission and completed it.  The Boss room turned out to be one of the easy ones, a huge square room and no minions.  They collected loot from the Boss and added their latest Clan mission tokens to their boards. Only about 100 left to go for Dawn level boards.

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